siblings: litter O Bistkupstwo

Oligarcha in news

  • 21. 12. 2022
    We have added photos from our vacation to our photo gallery. With Jenka, Gina and Tiga we traveled a total of 5 thousand km and at the finish line, in the north of Sweden, we met two of our Instagram stars Zarwoe and Láska (Oligarcha and Pikovaja Láska Bistkupstwo).
  • 19. 10. 2022
    We spent a week in the beautiful surroundings of the Swedish wilderness, when we went to visit our two Instagram stars - Zarwoe and Láska (Oligarcha and Pikovaja Láska Bistkupstwo). Three white sisters traveled with us and you can soon look forward to a small photo gallery with beautiful photos from the Swedish landscape.
  • 04. 08. 2019
    Svenstavik, Sweden: Oligarcha "Zarwoe" Bistkupstwo at next Swedish show won Ex1, SW CAC, Nordic certificate, BOB and BIG-1! Judges Barbara Ruth Smith (SWE) and Erin Brown (Australia). Thanks to great breeding presentation and congratulations to proud owners Lykke and Orest!
  • 27. 07. 2019
    Our Swedish boy Zarwoe (Oligarcha Bistkupstwo) won at prestige Swedish show title Ex1, Certificate quality and BIM Unghund. Judge was borzoi breeder Maja Cosic from Croatia. Congratulations to owners Lykke and Orest!
  • 02. 02. 2019
    Duo CACIB Brno: Nice results for our team Bistkupstwo: Olověnka CAC from 7 females in open class, Onga CAJC and BOJ, Odeta fulfilled JCH CZ with CAC from intermediate class, Ortiga Res CAC and Oligarcha, who visited us from Sweden, got Res CAC from open class. Judge: Veiga Marion Gabriela (PT). Big congrats to all!

Oligarcha Bistkupstwo

Excellent, CZ Res CAC, SW CAC, Quality Certificate, BIM Unghund, Nordic certificate, BOB, BIG-1
Oligarcha Bistkupstwo
Mother: Lovka Bistkupstwo
Father: Estet Classic Valentin SG

Natal day: 18.09.2017
Breeder: Bistkupstwo
Owner: Sweden